Monday, 8 April 2013


Introducing LoadRunner

Over the last 20 years, companies have turned to software as a means of
automating work. Software applications have been used to drive huge
efficiency and productivity gains and to provide a new medium for
collaboration and information sharing in a global economy. Software
applications have, in fact, become the primary channel both for businesscritical
information sharing and transaction processing of all kinds. Today,
software applications—from e-mail to CRM to Transaction Processing—are
the business.
While software development technologies have changed and matured
tremendously in this time period, the complexity of modern applications
has exploded. Applications may utilize tens and hundreds of components to
do work once done with paper or by-hand. There is a direct correlation
between the degree of application complexity and the number of potential
points of failure in a business process. This makes it increasingly difficult to
isolate the root cause of a problem.
Moreover, software applications aren’t like cars. They don’t have permanent
parts that are replaced only when they wear out. Whether to deliver
competitive advantage or to respond to changes in business conditions,
software applications change weekly, monthly, and yearly. This stream of
change introduces yet another set of risks that companies have to manage.
The incredible pace of change and the explosion of software complexity
introduce tremendous risk into the software development process. Rigorous
performance testing is the most common strategy to both quantify and
reduce this risk to a business. Automated load testing with HP LoadRunner
is an essential part of the application deployment process.

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