Sunday, 12 May 2013

LoadRunner Tutorial

Advanced Goal-Oriented Scenario
In the previous two lessons you learned how to manually create and run a
load test. In this lesson, you will define a goal that you want your test to
Before deploying an application, you want to run an acceptance test to
make sure that the system will stand up to the expected real-life workload.
You have a rate at which you expect the server should perform, defined, for
example, by the number of hits or transactions per second. This rate might
be determined by a business analyst defining the requirements for the
application, or it might be taken from previous versions of the application
in production, or other sources. You set a goal for the number of hits per
second, transactions per second, or the transaction response time that you
want to generate, and LoadRunner automatically generates the required goal
for you, using the goal-oriented scenario. While the application is under
constant load, you can monitor the transaction response time to see the
level of service provided to the customer.
In this lesson, you will create a goal-oriented scenario to generate three hits
per second on your Web server, and to maintain this level of load for five
minutes using a minimum of five Vusers and a maximum of ten. In this
lesson you will cover the following topics:
Which goal type should I use?
How do I create a goal-oriented scenario?
The Controller Window at a Glance (Goal-Oriented Scenario)
How do I define the goal?
How do I determine load behavior?
Which online graphs should I monitor?
How do I run a goal-oriented scenario?
Did I achieve my goal?
Which goal type should I use?
LoadRunner provides you with five different types of goals in a goaloriented
scenario: the number of concurrent Vusers, the number of hits per
second, the number of transactions per second, the number of pages per
minute, or the transaction response time that you want your scenario to
If you know the total number of Vusers that can run your various business
processes, you can use a Virtual Users goal type.
If you know the strength of your server, you can use a Hits per Second, Pages
per Minute, or Transactions per Second goal type.
If you know the desired response time for completing a transaction, you can
use a Transaction Response Time goal type. For example, if you do not want
a customer to wait more than five seconds to log in to your e-commerce site,
specify a maximum acceptable transaction response time of five seconds,
and see how many actual Vusers can be served.

How do I create a goal-oriented scenario?
To emulate a real-life system with a mix of user profiles, you can assign
several scripts to the scenario and assign a percentage of the load between
them. You should set the percentage according to the expected load.
In this tutorial, you will use just one Vuser script to model a single group of
users performing identical actions.

1 Create a new scenario.
Choose File > New, or click New, to open the New Scenario dialog box.

2 Select the scenario type.
Select the Goal-Oriented Scenario option.
3 Choose a script.
Select basic_scriptfrom the Available Scripts list, and click the Add button.
The script is displayed in the Scripts in Scenario pane.
Click OK. The LoadRunner Controller design view opens displaying the
basic_scriptin the Script Name column.

The Controller Window at a Glance (Goal-Oriented
The Controller window (goal-oriented) Design view contains three primary
Scenario Goal
Scenario Scripts
Service Level Agreement

Scenario Scripts: In the upper pane, you determine the Vuser scripts, their
paths, the percentage of the total target assigned to each script, and the load
generator machines. You configure the scenario settings from here.
Scenario Goal: In the lower pane, you can see your testing goal, the number
of users that you want to use to reach that goal, the scenario duration, and
load behavior. You define the goal settings from the Edit Scenario Goal
dialog box.
Service Level Agreement: When you design a load test scenario, you can
define goals or service level agreements (SLAs) for the performance metrics.
When you run the scenario, LoadRunner gathers and stores performancerelated
data. When you analyze the run, Analysis compares this data against
the SLAs and determines SLA statuses for the defined measurements.

How do I define the goal?
Now that you have selected a script to run, you need to define the goal that
you want to achieve.
In this section, you will create a goal profile, and define the scenario goal.
How do I determine load behavior?
Now that you have defined the test goal, you need to specify how and when
you want the Controller to reach your target.
Users do not log on and off the system at precisely the same time. To
emulate real users, LoadRunner provides the capability in the Load Behavior
tab for users to gradually log on and off the system. You also want the server
to remain under the load for a period of time. LoadRunner lets you specify
in the Scenario Settings tab the time that the server remains under load.
To define load test behavior:
1 In the Edit Scenario Goal dialog box, select the Load Behavior tab, and
select Automatic.

This instructs the Controller to run the required number of Vusers
4 Close the Edit Scenario Goal dialog box.
Click OK to close the Edit Scenario Goal dialog box.
The scenario target information you entered appears in the Scenario Goal

Which online graphs should I monitor?
After you have defined the test goal and load behavior, you are ready to
configure the LoadRunner monitors. In this test, you should monitor the
Hits per Second graph to follow the load that is generated on the server. You
also want to monitor the Transaction Response Time graph to see what
response times your customers will have when the server is under load. In
addition, you can monitor the effect of load on the Throughput and
Windows Resources graphs.
The Hits per Second, Transaction Response Time, and Throughput monitors
have been configured for you. To configure the Windows Resources
monitor, follow the procedures in Lesson 7, “Creating a Load Testing
How do I run a goal-oriented scenario?
Now that you have configured the scenario and goal settings, you are ready
to start the test and monitor the application under load. In this section you
will run your goal-oriented scenario and examine the test behavior.
1 Open the Controller window’s Run tab.
Select the Run tab at the bottom of the screen.
Since the scenario has not run yet, all the counters remain at zero and the
graphs are blank. When you start the scenario in the next step, the graphs
and counters will begin to display information.
2 Specify a name for the Results directory.
Choose Results >Results Settings to open the Set Results Directory dialog
box, and enter a unique name for the result set (for example:
3 Start the scenario.
Click the Start Scenario button or choose Scenario > Start.
The Controller begins the scenario.
You will see that 5 Vusers are ramped up and start running, as LoadRunner
attempts to generate the required goal of three hits per second.
During the test, the Controller automatically starts and stops Vusers to
maintain the given goal.
You can check the Windows Resources graph legend for a list of

Did I achieve my goal?
The objective of this lesson was to make sure that the system would provide
an acceptable level of service to the customer under expected real-life
workload. To emulate such conditions, you set a load target of three hits per
second for the duration of the scenario, when running a minimum of five
and maximum of ten Vusers. If three hits are made by Vusers on the server
during each second of the scenario run when running between five and ten
Vusers, then your goal parameters have been achieved. If your target of three
hits per second is not reached, LoadRunner displays a message that the
target you defined cannot be achieved.
Note: Since the license limits you to running a maximum of ten Vusers,
your goal might not be reached.
After you have run the test, you should save the scenario settings for future
use. To save the scenario, click File > Save or click the Save button and enter
a scenario name in the File name box.
Where To Go From Here
Now that you have designed and run a goal-oriented scenario, you can
proceed to Lesson 10, “Analyzing Your Scenario.”

Analyzing Your Scenario
In the previous lessons you learned how to design, control, and execute a
scenario run. Once you have loaded your server, you want to analyze the
run, and pinpoint the problems that need to be eliminated to improve
system performance.
The graphs and reports produced during your analysis session present
important information about the performance of your scenario. Using these
graphs and reports, you can easily pinpoint and identify the bottlenecks in
your application, and determine what changes need to be made to your
system to improve its performance.
In this lesson you will cover the following topics:
How does an analysis session work?
How do I start my analysis session?
The Analysis Window at a Glance
Transaction Summary - Did I reach my goals?
Did my server perform well?
How can I pinpoint the source of the problem?
What other information can I gather about my scenario run?

How can I publish my findings?
How does an analysis session work?
The aim of the analysis session is to find the failures in your system’s
performance and then pinpoint the source of these failures.
1 Were the test expectations met? What was the transaction response time on
the user’s end under load? What was the average transaction response time
of the transactions?
2 What parts of the system could have contributed to the decline in
performance? What was the response time of the network and servers?
3 Can you find a possible cause by correlating the transaction times and
backend monitor matrix?
In the following sections, you will learn how to open LoadRunner Analysis,
and build and view graphs and reports that will help you find performance
problems and pinpoint the sources of these problems.
How do I start my analysis session?
1 Open HP LoadRunner.
Choose Start > Programs >LoadRunner>LoadRunner. The HP LoadRunner
Launcher window opens.
2 Open LoadRunner Analysis.
In the Load Testing tab, click Analyze Load Tests. The LoadRunner Analysis
3 Open the analysis session file.
For the purpose of this section of the tutorial, and for more interesting
results, we ran a test scenario similar to those you ran in the previous
lessons. This time, however, the test incorporated 70 Vusers rather than 10
Vusers. You will now open the analysis session created from the results of
this scenario.
In the Analysis window, choose File > Open. The Open Existing Analysis
Session File dialog box opens.
From the <LoadRunner Installation>\Tutorial folder, select analysis_session
and click Open.
The Analysis Window at a Glance
Analysis contains three primary windows:
Session Explorer
Graph Viewing Area
Graph Legend

Session Explorer: In the upper left pane, Analysis shows the reports and
graphs that are open for viewing. From here you can display new reports or
graphs that do not appear when Analysis opens, or delete ones that you no
longer want to view.
Graph Viewing Area: In the upper right pane, Analysis displays the graphs.
By default, the Analysis Summary report is displayed in this area when you
open a session.
Graph Legend: In the lower right pane, you can view data from the selected
Note: There are additional windows that can be accessed from the toolbar
that provide additional information. For example, a Properties window.
These windows can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the screen.
The Summary Report
Open the Summary report from the Session Explorer. The report includes
the following sections

Statistics Summary
In the Statistics Summary of the report, you can see that a maximum of 70
Vusers ran in this test. Other statistics such as the total/average throughput,
and the total/average hits are also logged here for your information
The Transaction Summary lists a summary of the behavior of each
Look at the response times of each transaction. The 90 Percent column
displays the response time of 90% of the executions of a particular
transaction. You can see that 90% of the check_itinerary transactions that
were performed during the test run had a response time of 65.744 seconds.
This is double the average response time of this transaction, 32.826, which
means that the majority of occurrences of this transaction had a very high
response time.
We also see that this transaction failed 28 times.
Did my server perform well?
In the previous section you saw instability in your server’s performance.
Now you will analyze the effect of 70 running Vusers on the system’s
1 Study the behavior of the Vusers.
Click Running Vusersin the graph tree.

The Running Vusers graph opens in the graph viewing area. You can see that
there was a gradual start of running Vusers at the beginning of the scenario
run. Then, for a period of 3 minutes, 70 Vusers ran simultaneously, after
which a gradual ramp down began.
Saving a template
Up to now you have filtered a graph and correlated two graphs. The next
time you analyze a scenario, you might want to view the same graphs, with
the same filter and merge conditions applied. You can save your merge and
filter settings into a template, and apply them in another analysis session.
To save your template:
1 From the Tools menu, choose Templates > Save as Template...
2 Enter an appropriate name for your template.
3 Clear the Automatically apply this template to a new session option.
4 ClickOK.
Next time you open a new analysis session and want to use a saved
1 From the Tools menu, choose Templates > Apply/Edit Template.
2 Select your template from the list, and click Apply Template.
How can I pinpoint the source of the problem?
Until now, you have seen that an increase in load on the server had a
negative impact on the average response time of the check_itinerary
You can drill down further into the check_itinerary transaction to see what
system resources could have negatively influenced its performance.
Unique to LoadRunner Analysis, the Auto-correlate tool can merge all the
graphs that contain data that could have had an effect on the response time
of the check_itinerary transaction, and pinpoint what was happening at the
moment the problem occurred.
1 From the graph tree, select the Average Transaction Response Time graph.
Look at the check_itinerary transaction, particularly at the slice of elapsed
time between 1 and 4 minutes. The average response time started to increase
almost immediately, until it peaked at nearly 3 minutes.
5 Analyze the auto-correlated graph.
Look at the legend below the graph.

In the Measurement column you can see that the Private Bytes and Pool
Nonpaged Bytes, both of which are memory-related measurements, have a
Correlation Match of over 70% with the check_itinerary transaction. This
means that the behavior of these elements was closely related to the
behavior of the check_itinerary transaction during the specified time
We can deduce that at the instant when the check_itinerary transaction’s
response time peaked, there was a shortage of system memory resources.

What other information can I gather about my scenario
In addition to the graphs that appear in the graph tree at the start of an
analysis session, you can display different graphs to get other information
about your scenario run.
1 Display a new graph.
Click the Add New Graph button on the toolbar or, alternatively, click New
Graph in the graph tree.
How can I publish my findings?
You can publish the findings from your analysis session in an HTML or
Microsoft Word report. The report is created using a designer template, and
includes explanations and legends of the presented graphs and data.
HTML Reports
The HTML report can be opened and viewed in any browser.
To create an HTML report:
1 From the Reports menu, choose HTML Report...
2 Select a file name for your report, and the path where you want to save it.
Click Save.
Analysis creates the report and displays it in your Web browser. Note how
the layout of the HTML report is very similar to the layout of your analysis
session. You can click on the links in the left pane to see the various graphs.
A description of each graph is given at the bottom of the page.
Microsoft Word Reports
You can present your analysis session in a Microsoft Word report. The Word
report is more comprehensive than the HTML report, since you have the
option to include general information about the scenario, measurement
descriptions, and so on. You can also format the report to include your
company’s name and logo, and the author’s details.
Like any Word file, the report is editable, so you can add further comments
and findings after you have built the report.
The data is gathered and the report is created in a Word file, which opens in
Microsoft Word.
In addition to the graphs that you generated during your analysis session,
the report includes an objective and a conclusion, and other sections and
graphs that you chose to include while building the report.
In this lesson you learned the basics of analyzing a scenario run and
publishing your results in a report.
You have learned that performance problems can be pinpointed by studying
various graphs that show bottlenecks in the server, possibly due to too
heavy a load, and that you can pinpoint the sources of these bottlenecks by
configuring graphs to display correlated data.

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